Oh, hello 〰

I’m Minhee Kim.

two sides to every coin

I am a multifaceted, award-winning designer, an illustrator, and perhaps most importantly an innate problem solver, previously Creative Director @theSkimm in NYC.

Led by a desire to never stop growing, I am by nature curious, analytical, and thorough. As such, I am comfortable wearing many hats. Within design, I love exploring systems (grids, brand identity) and letterforms (typography, lettering, penmanship). Outside of design, I enjoy organizing and arranging, reading broadly, and trying new things, such as a new tea or a side project. This is luckily another part of my design process; in storing new tidbits, skills, and experiences, I find patterns and parallels between seemingly disparate entities that are utilized in future projects.

Get in touch with me! I would love to hear from you.